Friday 23 December 2011

Year End Trip 1

Went to Kampar, Ipoh, Taiping and Penang last week to visit my relatives with my family and my grandfather. We first went to the airport to fetch mummy and  gong gong that just arrive from Singapore, then, off to Kampar !!

Before reaching Kampar, we drop by at Sungkai for lunch, mummy and daddy bought durian at there which was super cheap. About one hour later we finally reach Kampar, then my auntie, one of my cousin and my parents open the durian and everybody started eating eat especially gong gong because he likes durians. About an hour later my cousin sister had to go to Ipoh. Her sibbligs drove her there so while she is taking her test they can go to the shopping mall in Ipoh to play bowling, they asked sissy and I whether we wanna go or not but I decided not to go but sissy when because she said it was too boring there.

Like 1 hour later I kinda survive there because it was seriously boring and decieded to play Tetris Battle to "cure my boring-ness". They came back and we ate dinner I din't eat much because I taught my family and gong gong are going for a second round of dinner which I call supper and how the heck should I know that the food there are the food that I don't really eat but luckily there is a shop that sells Apom & some other food that I totally don't know what is it called in english. I also bought "chee cheong fun" but the sos turn out bad because it tasted like they put strawberries or rasberries. Worst chee cheong fun I ever tasted, hope I will never taste a chee cheong fun that taste like this again.

Day 2 of the trip. Woke up at like 6 to 7 o'clock because the five of us wants to eat the porridge in Kampar but the shop was closed so gong gong. daddy, sissy and me eat Wan Tan Mee and mummy ate Kuey Teow. After that, we went home then we came out again and we went to the Indian Temple near. Woah man! I can't even remember the last time I went there because I was like 7 years old that time, I only remember something wich is taking off your shoes when you go in to the temple, That's all!

We went back to the house after that to send gong gong home. Then we went to the columbarium to visit my grandmother. Oh yah, thak you to my cousin brothers for letting my family sleep in their room.

p/s : We get to eat the porridge on the third day. : D

Left for Penang after that, on the way to Penang we went to Ipoh and Taiping to visit my relatives, I mean like it's the whole reason why we are going there, visiting!! Was sleeping the whole journey and I almost slept in one of my relatives home, it's super emberassing. Mummy woke me up when we are almost reaching the Penang Bridge as I called her to. Mummy also called sissy but at the end of the bridge, I looked at her, she's asleep again, she must be seriously sleepy.

Reach the hotel in about 20 minutes. I felt so free and excited at the same time, the last time I felt like this was on my mom's company trip in Club Med,Cherating right here in Malaysia. We ate dinner in the hotel because everyone is super tired. sissy and I ordered the exact same thing because there wasn't much on the menu. Had a great sleep that night and I purposely did not on my alarm. Hehe, I want to get some freedom ma.

Had wan tan mee, soup style, but I din't like it so I changed my dish with mummy's, which is...kuey teow soup, it was super nice but it still did not beat the one in SeaPark, PJ, maybe there's a "secret ingredient" in the one in Sea Park.

We went to Balik Pualu after breakfast to see my gong gong's house which became a carpark space. Then everybody except for me and gong gong ate Asam Laksa, gong gong ate Siam Laksa and I ate a Kaya Pau. We also eat durian at the asam laksa shop since the durians were sold next to the shop. Visited my gong gong's younger brother and we had tea break. Wait What! I just had lunch 1 hour ago and we are having tea break now, but who cares I'm still hungry since my lunch it's just a pau.

Visited the snakes at the snake temple, din't see a lot of snake there because it's all in the trees so it's camouflaged.

The second day at Penang was fun, went to the Siamist temple and Buddisht temple. The Siamist temply was cool, there's a sleeping buddha there which is like 8 foot long ish, I think. The buddisht temple was like a normal temple so not gonna say anything about it. Kek Lok Si temple was next, we went up to the big big buddha there, mummy and daddy bought 2 tiles for the roof of the buddha than they are going to make soon, was kind of tough when we had to write down daddy's chinese name, even he himself also don't know how to write, he only can reconize it. Very kelian lor.

Then, we went to the pagoda, the pagoda was super high, not really high but it's still high. The way to reach the peak is to use the stairs, we climbed the stairs for like 5 to 10 minutes. The view up there was great, lots of building, sunshine, people that you can hardly see and constructions going on. On the way back downfrom the temple, we passed by a lot of stalls that sells everything. I bought a spring and sissy bought a hat that she wanted to but for a long time.

Asam Laksa for tea break and since I dont's eat spicy stuff, I ate roast chicken. Yum! Mummy and Daddy went out to buy dinner for gong gong because if he followed us to the place that we are going to eat dinner, he will be super tired. Dinner was at Gurney Drive, we just went to the hawker stall, it was a hurry because we thought that it was going to rain it turns out that it's just a few drips of water from the sky, I don't think that it "desrve" to be called a drizzle.

The next morning I found myself sleeping in mummy's bed because I was actually in my mummy's hotel room and I fell asleep in there. I woke up really late, I ate the buffet breakfast in the hotel and the rest ate breakfast from the shop that we eat for the three days that we are in Penang. The buffet was really worth it for Berjaya card members because the original price is RM 26 net and for Berjaya Card Members is just RM 12.20.

My parents asked me to choose to use the Penang bridge back or a ship. You don't even need to ask me that question, because you already know what I will answer, SHIP. Took the ship back the view from there was nice, but most of it it's the view of  my hair because the wind is blowing from the back.

The trip was super fun, hope I'll get it again.

I know this posts is very luo shuo, long-winded or something like that but I don't care. I am just writing about a trip that I had with my family .

The posts for "Year End Trip 2" is going to come out in a week time. : D

p/s : sorry if there's any typo's or wrong spelling.

p/p/s : I will upload the pictures as soon as possible. Be Patient.

Love my Family
My Friends
Forever & Always

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